"Miracles are natural. When they do not occur,
something has gone wrong" - A Course In Miracles

Whether you're seeking to improve mental clarity, or spiritual connection,
my services are designed to support your personal growth and lead you towards
lasting peace and abundance.  When you learn how to bring your thoughts,
energy and desires into harmony, you become calmer and have the confidence that
you can create your desired results.  Instead of struggle, you will know
how to connect to your innate wisdom and create with grace and ease.

Hi there...let's create magic and miracles!

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.- Lao Tzu

Healing Offers...

One on One Session

Spiritual Business and Life Guidance ~

If you seek direction, clarity or confirmation...I can help you find your answers!

Because we are all mind/body/soul when you bring all of you into harmony your manifesting process will be quicker and easier.

There is a part of you that already knows your answers, but there is also a part of you that likes to block it...it's why we need outside help from time to time.

I use my highly developed intuition, business acumen and spiritual knowledge to find answers to guide you lovingly toward your heart's desires.

One Hour - $247

Three Package Deal - $597
(use one hour at time)

Akashic Records Soul Story

For this session, I prepare ahead of time and when we connect I will let you know the best way YOUR SOUL matrix is designed for manifesting so that you can do it quickly and easily.

I will also share the past life story in your Akashic Records that will show you the energy you are ready to shift (change) in this current moment from a soul level.

This insight will help immediately in moving forward now and in the future.

We also do prayer and energy work together to add in your permanent transformation.

Soul Story Energy Healing $297

Energy Angel

8 x 10 canvas board of your personal energy angel . Your Angel painting will be intuitively channeled specifically for you.

I allow your angel to guide me as I focus on the energy of allowing healing and love into your life.

There are also images within that will aid you on your spiritual journey.


Each Quarter I take on a few clients that want to "deep dive" into healing their business or life. If interested email Sharon@SharonHess for conversation

free- money healing gift!

While you are here download my popular Free Guide...

Heal Your Money Wounds

Meet Sharon

After a highly successful 40+ year business career that included building more than one multi-million dollar business from the ground up, Sharon now combines over 30 years studying and teaching spiritual principles with her practical business and life know-how to help her clients integrate their Divine inner wisdom with their work, business, and relationships.

Sharon creates profound results for her clients by working with each person in a unique, individual way, so that each person leaves feeling healed, motivated and inspired, creating their own joy and abundance fully aligned with who they are.

What Others Have to Say ...

Sharon literally helps miracles happen

Speaking for myself, I know that it has been through Sharon’s experience, wisdom and guidance that I’ve received numerous life blessings and achievements that wouldn’t have been possible before working with her.

Understanding more about who I am on a soul level has helped my career soar. I understand my blocks and I can easily see and adjust my reactions.

.Let nothing stand in your way of reaching out and booking a session today. You will be nothing but amazed by the results you’ll see!

Courtney - MI

MORE than ” Getting by with a little Help from my Friends”!

It was time to let go of my life-long business ( 44 yrs ) and think about my ” what Next? To say the least, this brought up a struggle within on many levels.

Sharon’s insights helped me find a direction and path I wouldn’t have seen by myself. Moving forward with her direction has taken me out of the confusion and

into an understanding that is leading me on a positive and exciting future.

She can do the same for you if you will just allow it. You won’t regret it. Try it, you’ll like it! Thank you just doesn’t do it justice. Forever greatful.

Doc Steve - AZ

Before I met Sharon I was chasing ever bright shiny object promising ‘riches’.

But the more I did this, the further down the rabbit hole I fell...And the more elusive money became.

Working with Sharon has helped me realise I can follow my heart and make more doing work I love. She’s helped me remove the‘golden hand cuffs’ so I can live the life I truly want.

My quality of relationships has never been higher and the best opportunities flow to me, almost like magic. To anyone ‘on the fence’, I’d encourage you to book a session with Sharon and see where the path leads.

Vanessa - Australia

Want messages from your angels, guides, and those assisting you from above? Then you want Spiritual Spice in your library! Gain easy access to your higher consciousness with an inspired and beautifully written prayer that will energetically align you. Next, you open the book at random for your answer or direction to what you need to look at. Within you will find 22 sections (chapters) that have short, powerful thoughts and sayings that inspire clarity, direction, enlightenment, and growth. Written as a spiritual tool to help guide you on your personal spiritual path, these short yet powerful expressions of love are sure to leave you filled with peace and harmony. Spiritual Spice will help you tap into your own inner guidance system giving you the power to create your life by design, not by default. Your thoughts and actions are what draw positive results, and the knowledge found within these pages will guide you toward those of peace, love, joy, and abundance as you create your miracles in life!.

Contact Me


Toll Free Leave a Message - 877-778-1771

A session can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. A session is not a substitute for medical, psychological, financial, or legal counseling. The information provided in a session is not legally binding.
Any sessions are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purpose only. Sharon Hess accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on the sessions offered. .Any decision made by you of your own free will remain your personal & legal responsibility.